March 25, 2016
More Than Words- Fill Your Mind With Positivity Part 4 of 4

Coaches often use inspirational words and quotes to motivate their teams. Coaching, like life, is a rollercoaster ride full of peaks and valleys, and it is important to fill your mind with positivity to help you persevere through the valleys. So over the next 4 weeks I’ll share the words of coaches who have motivated me over the past 2 years while sharing their wisdom on the WYC podcast. I hope they motivate you as much as they have me!
Let’s overload Twitter with positivity this week! Pick out your favorite 1 or 2 quotes and share it by clicking on the ‘Click to tweet’ link.
Chris Stricker: ‘As a coach – you can’t be pulling the wagon by yourself. If your best players are pulling the wagon – everyone is going to on board.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Jill Kochanek: ‘The perfect time to build confidence is in practice’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Steve Boyle: ‘It’s perfectly OK to let kids know that winning is an expected outcome of competition. The problem becomes when we focus too much on the value of the win as opposed to the value of the experience.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Warren Nye: ‘Success is a peace of mind, which is a direct result of self satisfaction, in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable.’ – John Wooden Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Valeri Garcia: ‘Stop trying to coach at a pre-college level – coach them at the level that they are right now.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Drew Maddux: ‘We were running the program with a fear-based approach instead of a freedom-based approach. – Boundaried Freedom – Create the culture and boundaries – and then give them the freedom to go make plays’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Creed Larrucea: ‘Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out’ – John Wooden Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Reed Maltbie: ‘Words echo – the words you use when coaching kids matter – be careful choosing what words you use. What’s your echo – coach beyond the game’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Willie Cromrack: ‘Who is going to be brave enough to try this new move during the game this week?’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Melody Shuman: ‘Have every student become a better version of themselves’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Jason Hahnstadt on running sprints: ‘Raise your hand when you are committing to your teammates that this will be your best effort.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Adam Bradley: ‘The drug of choice amongst the youth of today is popularity’ – Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Stuart Armstrong: ‘Task Design is critical – because many people get uncomfortable when they see someone struggling and not being able to get there quite yet- so they either jump in and solve it for them, or they move on. But this never allows the learning to happen. The moment when they are close to figuring it out is actually the sweet spot.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode
Robert Murphy: ‘Wrestling at young ages without training is like human cock-fighting. It’s child abuse.’ Click to Tweet Podcast episode