

I am a passionate youth sports coach, a husband, a father of three, and a believer that coaches can change the self-esteem and future of the young people we coach. I started this site to share coaching successes and learnings with other parent coaches who share this passion of the impact, responsibility, and fun of positive coaching. I have coached dozens of youth sports teams over the past 10 years- including football, basketball, and lacrosse. I am also a student of coaching – attending seminars, online learning, and completion of an 18-week coaching class at the University of Akron taught by Jim Tressel and Jim Dennison, with guest speakers from many different sports at the college and professional level.  http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/10042414/former-ohio-state-buckeyes-coach-jim-tressel-embracing-life-second-career-instructor-akron-university


Board Positions


Advisory Board – Nation of Coaches

Advisory Board & Planning Committee – The Coach Forum Nashville

Advisory Board – Upward Stars Nashville

Advisory Board – Battle 3-on-3 Basketball

Co-founder – Sportepreneurs Mastermind

Guest appearances

3 Simple Steps for Coaching your kid’s sports team

Youth Basketball Coaching – Be Different, Be Better

Ready to be an Awesome Youth Coach? Join our elite coaches and parents who raise their game with weekly coaching tips: 

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