June 18, 2018
WYC 151 – The Circle of Intentional Influence – James Leath
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Don’t sell yourself short
- James was going to apply for an internship at IMG, his mentor told him to go for the full-time job
- Do you ever sell yourself short, thinking you’re unqualified?
I’ve arrived – the destination of a championship
- ‘I wished I would’ve enjoyed the journey more’
- ‘Who am I now? I’ve always been the person going after this’
The Circle of Intentional Influence
- Influence -> Relationship
- Relationship -> Trust
- Trust -> Authenticity
- Authenticity -> Ownership
- Ownership -> Credibility
- Credibility -> Influence
How to Communicate Effectively
- Take your sunglasses off
- Take a knee
- Take note of what’s behind you (the sun, the cheerleaders)
- Take 2 minutes or less
Unleash the Athlete
- Online curriculums for coaches
- Mental toughness, teambuilding activities, and much more
- Website: utathlete.com or jamesleath.com
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