What does it take to be a winning youth coach? Listen in as Olaniyi Sobomehin shares stories and discusses his journey to becoming a successful youth sports trainer.
Olaniyi is the founder of Pro Squad Athletics, which inspires and propels young athletes to their ultimate potential by showing what it takes to be great, providing a plan that works, and the systems, habits, and mindset that greatness requires. Pro Squad has successfully trained athletes at the youth, high school, college, and professional levels. Olaniyi played college football at Oregon State and was an All-American his senior year at Portland State and went on to play for the New Orleans Saints in the NFL. Olaniyi is also a full-time firefighter, and is married and has 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters, ranging from ages 11 to a newborn.
Olaniyi has also generously offered a free 12 page e-book on the Power of Habits to Winning Youth Coaching listeners, check it out here: prosquadathletics.com/winning-youth-coaching
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Coaching/Leadership Quote
- ‘Leaders are stubborn on vision but flexible on details and approach’ – Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon
Raising my kids
- Who is taking control of how my kids are being conditioned(mentally and physically)? If I don’t do it – somebody else will. You have to invest in them and have a plan.
- The Daily D system (Daily Disciplines) – each kid has a set of daily habits that are tracked and rewarded
My ‘Cringe Moment’
- Early on Olaniyi thought his approach was the only right one. He learned each kid, each team – have individual personalities and will respond uniquely. So you have to constantly be learning.
- ‘Leaders are stubborn on vision but flexible on details and approach’ – Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon
Teaching Children & Keeping it Fun
- Communicating in a way that the kids understand is your ultimate goal/challenge. Use analogies with something they are passionate about (Legos, basketball, singing, etc.)
- Tony Robbins: ‘The only way to know if you’re communicating well – is if your point is getting across’
Mental Peak Performance
- Fear of failure- Great analogy – Olaniyi’s son hates to lose and might quit in the middle of a race – So he used the analogy of how obsessed his son is with Mari0 Kart to beat a level – when he fails to complete a level – he doesn’t quit, he keeps pushing reset until he eventually will beat the level. So use this analogy to show your athlete the type of passion you need to accomplish something – quitting is the only way you will fail.
- Quote: ‘As long as I take action, evaluate the effectiveness, and adjust according to my desired result, then it’s a win’
- Initially the first killer of confidence is a lack of skill. So initially establish a baseline and define some quick improvements where they can see their skill improve by doing some Daily disciplines.
- Confidence is a choice. Olaniyi’s kids start each day by looking in the mirror and do ‘Affirmations’, they call it ‘Prime-time.’ They flex their muscles and tell themselves they are strong, confident, and proud. They also record audio of their affirmations in GarageBand laid on top of their favorite track.
Discipline and Teambuilding
- The #1 challenge for a coach is to establish a purpose for being on this team. The athlete should be excited about coming to practice, not dread it.
Inspiring Story
- One of Olaniyi’s students did not have much self confidence. Olaniyi has worked with her to establish a life vision, purpose, morning mastery routine – now she is taking massive action towards these goals.
The One that Got Away
- As an assistant coach- Olaniyi saw an athlete who was having a rough game – and he chose not to say anything because he was worried about overstepping his boundaries. He regrets choosing passivity.
Coaching/Leadership Motivation
- Quote/Book – ‘ Never cut anything, never dilute greatness, never pull back on your horsepower, and never put a limit on your ambition, drive, and passion. Demand obsession of yourself and all those around you.’ – Grant Cardone in ‘The 10X Rule‘
Pro Squad Athletics
- ProSquadAthletics.com
- Inspires and propels young athletes to their ultimate potential by showing what it takes to be great, providing a plan that works, and the systems, habits, and mindset that greatness requires.
- Pro Squad has successfully trained athletes at the youth, high school, college, and professional levels.
- The Daily D habit system – for parents and for athletes
- Athletes feel free to email Olaniyi with questions – [email protected]
Parting Advice
- Be a student – invest in learning about your athletes- what makes them tick, what are their goals/expectations
Promotions Partners

Free 12 page e-book on the Power of Habits to Winning Youth Coaching listeners, check it out here: prosquadathletics.com/winning-youth-coaching
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