June 16, 2017
Summer Showcases? Here Is The Best Way To Stand Out ??
I was having a conversation with another dad today and we were brainstorming on the best way to get an athletic scholarship.
Naturally we discussed getting athletic exposure.
But then my mind triggered an image I had seen that showing the % of schools that can recruit a kid based on their GPA.
But then my mind triggered an image I had seen that showing the % of schools that can recruit a kid based on their GPA.
It is easy for us as coaches and parents to make sure we are doing right by our kids by getting them as much exposure as possible to demonstrate their athletic skills.
But how about the academic portion? If we tell a kid they are doing good to just keep a 3.0 GPA – they will miss out on 50% of the schools that can recruit them!
It is an easy aspect to forget as we schedule travel teams, showcases, and videos highlight reels – but let’s develop all-around athletes that have every chance beyond high-school to excel in life!